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Apple is all set to launch a new iPhone this year! But, there is still some time left for that to happen. The internet is buzzing with so many new updates about the device. 

The brand new iPhone 14 that is yet to be launched this year has several new updates. However, the focus of the new series is going to be on the larger size. Users are expecting a screen size of approximately 6.1 inches in the iPhone 14. 

There is no doubt that people are always excited about the launch of every new Apple device. So, let us dive into the specifications and details of this new gadget around the corner!

What is the launch date iPhone 14?

Users are expecting more every day! Every year, iPhones are getting new updates, whether it is the size of the features. The scheduled launch date of iPhone 14 is October 1, 2022.

Full iPhone 14 specifications

Rumour is that the brand new iPhone 14 is supposed to look like the previous iPhone 13 model. However, it is likely to have a flat-edged design. 

The iPhone 14 would come with the Apple A15 Bionic processor and a RAM of 4 GB. In addition, the device is likely to be equipped with 2 rear cameras ( 12 MP+ 12 MP) and 2 front cameras ( 12 MP+SL 3D ). Powered with a 3115 mAh battery, the brand new iPhone 15 is all set to be launched expectedly in October!

The recent images floating around the internet suggest that iPhone 14 will retain the body design of the iPhone 13 to some extent. It is to come along with a notch with a similar camera bump present on the device’s rear side. 

Initially, the photos of the new device surfaced on the internet in April. However, since then, people have wanted more specifications about the new model! 

Additional features of the iPhone 14

iPhone 14 is likely to have a 6.1 inch screen length. Also, Apple has decided to do away with the ‘mini-series of the iPhones, given its unpopularity among users. The mini-series edition has ended with the previous iPhone 13 mini. Apple iPhones are all about bigger and larger screen lengths and sizes. 

In the new series, apart from iPhone 14, there are other variations like the iPhone 14 Pro, iPhone Max and the iPhone Pro Max. However, the largest amongst the series is the iPhone Pro Max and iPhone Max, with a screen size of 6.7 inches.

The iPhone series usually comes in several beautiful colours. Users have the option to choose from a variety of options. Similarly, a source confirmed that iPhone 14 is likely to be available in purple, black, red, white and blue shades. 

At the same time, iPhone Pro and iPhone Pro Max might be available in gold, purple, silver and graphite.

Is iPhone 14 likely to come in titanium alloy design?

Apple’s new device iPhone 14 is to get several added features. Also, it is expected to have a high-end titanium alloy design. According to some sources, Apple has priorly used titamin in the Apple watches. However, the iPhone is the first device that will come in titanium design.

Using titanium makes the device resistant to scratch. The metal itself is better and stronger than aluminium and steel. Also, it is resistant to corrosion.

Does iPhone 14 come with a cooling system?

The iPhone 14 which is all set to launch in 2022 is expected to come with a vapour chamber thermal system. This is a new inclusion that Apple is heavily testing. To incorporate 5G connection and advanced computing power, the high-end iPhones need to have the VC thermal system. 

No one is sure whether Apple’s all new thermal cooling system will be a successful implementation. However, people are hopeful. Also, Apple has heavily invested upon this feature therefore it is likely to meet all the expectations. 

What changes will the Lighting Port have in iPhone 14?

Recent rumours regarding the iPhone 14 indicate that Apple is likely to remove the Lighting Port. The aim is to give a portless design to the iPhone 14. The charging will be available over MagSafe. 

However, people are still skeptical about whether this feature will be eliminated from the series this year. 


This article aimed to shed light on the iPhone 14 features. As it is quite evident, people are excited to get their hands on this brand new device. Hopefully, you now have some idea of whether the iPhone 14 is a device fit for you or not!


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